Unveiling the Veil Subject (Part 1 of 10)

A subject we often overlook when we think of worship is head covering.

Paul wrote about it, so it must have been a big deal; but why? What’s it all about? Is it a sexist tradition? Is it cultural? Did it only apply to the Corinthian church? Why does Paul mention it amid, what we deem to be, more important subjects?

The passage can be found in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, take a moment to read it so it’s fresh in your mind.

The questions I’d like to tackle regarding this topic are:

  1. Is the head covering a physical thing or a metaphor?
  2. Is it a cultural tradition only?
  3. Does this apply only to the Corinthians church?
  4. Should this be applied in the church only or whenever a lady prays and/or prophesies (whatever that means)?
  5. How does verse 3 fit into all of this?
  6. Can her hair be the covering?
  7. Why should there be quarrels?
  8. What does verse 16 mean?

Before reading each section, it may be worth reading this intermediary post: Unveiling the Veil Subject (Part 5.5 of 10)

Finally, make sure you also read the Concluding post.

These aren’t simple questions and I don’t claim to hold the ultimate answers but I will share my understanding of the text.

To keep the posts short and to the point, I will only answer one question per post. That way you, the reader, can share your insights and understanding in response to each question in the comments of each post.

The current plan is to have 10 posts: an introduction (this post), the 8 questions and the conclusion.

Let’s tackle this.

One thought on “Unveiling the Veil Subject (Part 1 of 10)

  1. Pingback: Unveiling the Veil Subject (2 of 10) | Brittle Clay

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